Weekly Meal Prep Step One | Taking Inventory

Before you ever set foot in a grocery store you should always first shop your cupboards, fridge, freezer and pantry!

This allows you to:

  • Take stock of what you have - so there is no unnecessary buying

  • Go into your backstock to replenish what's low or what you are out of in your pantry

  • Move ingredients/meals from your freezer to the fridge that you want to use for the week to thaw

  • Move what's about to go bad in the fridge to the freezer - zero waste!

  • See where you need to restock your backstock inventory

This is also a great time to clean and organize all of the above.

Write down everything you have in your house food-wise. You may be surprised at how much you actually have!

As you are taking inventory start looking for things that you could use to throw a meal together.

This is always a great time to clean out the fridge, freezer and reorganize your pantry.

Shopping your backstock allows for you to infill your pantry shelves without spending a dime!

Taking inventory of all the food in your house (including your backstock) allows you to quickly see what might be needed and stock up when you see something on sale.


This is your reminder to transfer those spotted bananas to the freezer!


Hummus Pasta | Use What You Have

